Monday, October 24, 2022

- Autodesk autocad 2016 silent uninstall free download

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Autodesk autocad 2016 silent uninstall free download


When using the batch file to automate a silent uninstall of Autocad from a Windows 10 device using SCCM , the Windows explorer process is killed. Unfortunately, explorer isn't automatically restarted by Restart Manager this is because explorer must be initiated by a user, not the system account that SCCM uses.

To workaround the issue, the user must launch task manager and create a new explorer process, but this isn't an acceptable solution. However, you could create scheduled task to run as a particular user with Administrative rights. That way the batch file will uninstall the software as that user and restart Explorer is needed. If this information was helpful, please consider marking it as an Accepted Solution by using the Accept as Solution.

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Many thanks. Tags 6. Tags: AutoCAD Message 2 of 2. Post Reply. Share this discussion:. Can't find what you're looking for? Ask the community or share your knowledge. Clean Uninstall. Install Diagnostics Tool. Windows Cleanup Utility. Manual Uninstall. Autodesk Virtual Agent. Desktop Sub Grant Users Access. Asset Management Tool.


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